Newest stencils

Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)

Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)

Allows you to draw simple Entity Relation Diagrams (the first page). ERDs are useful in the early stages of a project, especially if you are using formal approach such as Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (for which there is a SSADM stencil) or IDEF0. I have added an extension, which allows indices to be...more

Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)

Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)

The classic Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology by Chris Gane and Trish Sarson. SSADM is better known as Data Flow Diagrams. It is a simple and highly effective systems analysis and design (decomposition) methodology. It uses just four symbols, and it is excellent for communicating with non-technical users. A...more

Data Model (IDEF1X)

Data Model (IDEF1X)

Allows you to draw IDEF1X-compliant Data Models (examine all five pages). IDEF1X is a methodology and standard (NIST/FIPS 184 in 1993) for modelling Relational databases. It emphasises and promotes data independence; proper use of keys; extensibility; quality; and ease of use, and produces a genuinely Relational database....more

Touch Gesture Reference

Touch Gesture Reference

The Touch Gesture Reference is a stencil for software designers and developers working on touch-based user interfaces.

Math symbols

Math symbols

A few math symbols, readily available.



A simple stencil for drawing AMQP and RabbitMQ topologies.

Smart Grid Icons IIa

Smart Grid Icons IIa

Some parts Copyright © 2010, 2012, 2013 by John Egan. For technology drawings, I needed other icons so I worked to create the basic blocks then add the drawings, all in OG. I have included the basic blocks as blanks so that others can create their own icons and add them in later on.

Cause and Effect - Fishbone Diagram

Cause and Effect - Fishbone Diagram

This is a ready-made Fishbone, or Ishikawa, diagram to get you started on your Cause and Effect analysis. The whole diagram is made as a group for easy drag-and-drop between the stencil and your canvas. Before starting to work on your Fishbone diagram, you should ungroup the compound shape. The primary and secondary causes...more

IAN Agriculture Symbollibrary

IAN Agriculture Symbollibrary

This is the first batch of IAN symbols. This Stencil contains the Agriculture symbols. The IAN symbol libraries contain over 1500 custom made vector symbols designed specifically for enhancing science communication skills. The symbols allow diagrammatic representations of complex processes to be developed easily with minimal...more