Data Model (IDEF1X)

Derek Ignatius Asirvadem Derek Ignatius Asirvadem Pro shared this on Apr 28, 2010

Allows you to draw IDEF1X-compliant Data Models (examine all five pages). IDEF1X is a methodology and standard (NIST/FIPS 184 in 1993) for modelling Relational databases. It emphasises and promotes data independence; proper use of keys; extensibility; quality; and ease of use, and produces a genuinely Relational database. The use of the methodology requires education and expensive modelling software; however, if you have those skills, all you need is OmniGraffle and this stencil. • It is pure IDEF1X, with the exception that Relations are rendered in IEEE notation (crow's feet, which is more universally recognised). • Notes and guidelines are included (drag the stencil to its full size and hover over the labels), and a few extensions to the standard are provided. • The stencil is set up for an enhancement, Hierarchical Layout, that increases cognition. Every Entity has an order in relation to any other Entity, therefore I draw my IDEF1X models showing that order vertically, parent above the child (magnets at top and bottom only); SubTypes which are the same order as the SuperType, are connected horizontally (magnets on the sides). Any other one-to-one Relation, and silly things such as optional parents (null keys), breaches the standard and is not provided. • If you are in the early stages of analysis and design, the simpler Entity Relation Diagram (first page) may be more appropriate, for which you can use the ERD stencil. -- Stencil Version 2.3 • 31 Mar 12 • I make improvements and maintain the stencil on Graffletopia. Please send feedback to

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