Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)

Derek Ignatius Asirvadem Derek Ignatius Asirvadem Pro shared this on May 2, 2010

Allows you to draw simple Entity Relation Diagrams (the first page). ERDs are useful in the early stages of a project, especially if you are using formal approach such as Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (for which there is a SSADM stencil) or IDEF0. I have added an extension, which allows indices to be identified at the ERD level. I will be adding an extension to assist in the progressive definition of Relations shortly. ERDs show the Entity Level of a DataModel. In the later stages of analysis and design, a full Data Model (starting on the second page) is more appropriate; if you are not using a Modelling tool, you may be interested in the Data Model (IDEF1X) stencil. Stencil Version 1.0/02 May 10. (I make improvements and maintain the stencil on Graffletopia.) Please send feedback to derek.asirvadem@gmail.com

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