Entity Relation Diagram (ERD)
Allows you to draw simple Entity Relation Diagrams (the first page). ERDs are useful in the early stages of a project, especially if you are using formal approach such as Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology (for which there is a SSADM stencil) or IDEF0. I have added an extension, which allows indices to be identified at the ERD level. I will be adding an extension to assist in the progressive definition of Relations shortly. ERDs show the Entity Level of a DataModel. In the later stages of analysis and design, a full Data Model (starting on the second page) is more appropriate; if you are not using a Modelling tool, you may be interested in the Data Model (IDEF1X) stencil. Stencil Version 1.0/02 May 10. (I make improvements and maintain the stencil on Graffletopia.) Please send feedback to derek.asirvadem@gmail.com