Stencils tagged with ā€˜gā€™

CTERA Networks

CTERA Networks

CTERA Networks CloudPlug, C200, C400, & Portal.

Cursors Collection

Cursors Collection

This stencil provides an assortment of mouse cursors. Inside: Pointer - Question / Info., Not allowed, Add Hand - Link, Open, Closed Crosshair Cell select Cell expand - horizontal & vertical Expand - vertical, horizontal, and diagonal Move Beach ball of death (Spinning pinwheel or rotating...more

Cutting Line

Cutting Line

Use this to include cutting lines in your document

CV Grid Template

CV Grid Template

One page template for a CV build on 960 12 grid To install: download this stencil and then change the stencil's file extension to ".gtemplate" so that the file will behave like a normal OmniGraffle template.

Cyclades - Console Boxes

Cyclades - Console Boxes

console boxes 4,8,16,24,48

Database Logos

Database Logos

I frequently find I use logos when diagramming infrastructure and application architectures. These logos are a preliminary set of the ones I find I use most commonly for databases. Feel free to request or recommend additions.

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

This stencil can be used to draw a Data Flow Diagram

Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)

Data Flow Diagram (SSADM)

The classic Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology by Chris Gane and Trish Sarson. SSADM is better known as Data Flow Diagrams. It is a simple and highly effective systems analysis and design (decomposition) methodology. It uses just four symbols, and it is excellent for communicating with non-technical users. A...more

Data Model (IDEF1X)

Data Model (IDEF1X)

Allows you to draw IDEF1X-compliant Data Models (examine all five pages). IDEF1X is a methodology and standard (NIST/FIPS 184 in 1993) for modelling Relational databases. It emphasises and promotes data independence; proper use of keys; extensibility; quality; and ease of use, and produces a genuinely Relational database....more