Popular stencils
This is Service Design Thinking Icon Set
"This is Service Design Thinking" is a book on service design that offers up a visual language/icon set with a CC license. The only problem is that they only offer AI vector files or flat pdfs. That problem is solved here!
IcoMoon Free
IcoMoon was first built and released back in the November of 2011. Since its release, it has changed the way icon fonts (and icons in general) are being used in web today. IcoMoon introduced the first custom icon font builder, which allows users to select the icons they need, and make them into a font. IcoMoon was also the...more
Content Flow Diagram
Define, design and document dynamic content systems and content strategies using this modelling technique.
You can make your own office layout with these desk and cubicle shapes.
Bruce's In-House Guideline
The flowchart uses colour codes to define entry and end points, decision points, and to assign responsibility for carrying out each intervention to appropriate team members. Hyperlinks can be created where appropriate to link to other guidelines or related documents already on the intranet, such as patient information...more
Enterprise Integration Patterns
An OmniGraffle stencil for the integration patterns described in Enterprise Integration Patterns. The stencil contains notation based on the authors' descriptions of the patterns. The book is one of the best resources available on messaging systems. The stencil, like the book, has Message Endpoints, Message Construction,...more
iPad iPhone Scale Comparison
A very basic grab and tidy up of an iPhone and an iPad. I've taken care to ensure that the representations of the devices are to scale; everything on the stencil is at 1/2 scale btw if you wanted to design in real size. Please feel free to clean up and or add to this stencil.
Data Model (IDEF1X)
Allows you to draw IDEF1X-compliant Data Models (examine all five pages). IDEF1X is a methodology and standard (NIST/FIPS 184 in 1993) for modelling Relational databases. It emphasises and promotes data independence; proper use of keys; extensibility; quality; and ease of use, and produces a genuinely Relational database....more
Rack Elements
A collection of frequently-used rack items, including the racks and rails themselves.