2 stencils shared
RF Components
Here is a stencil for RF/microwave circuit diagrams. These symbols represent signal flow in radio-frequency circuits. They could be used in conjunction with electronics components from the "Electronics Components" stencil, also on Graffletopia. These symbols are based on a combination of symbols in common use. There is a bias...more
Electronics Components
This stencil of circuit components includes equipment and novel components found in a physics lab. Documenting experimental setups in this way has been quite successful. I appreciate the circuit aesthetics of the "Microelectronics" textbook by Sedra and Smith, as well as the visual dictionary of components common in SPICE...more
6 stencils favorited show all
Markov chains
Simple self-looping arcs and two-way arcs with custom circles, to allow links and self-links with the correct angles and spacing. (16 radially spaced magnets per circle - two magnets at each of the four cardinal directions, and two at each of the multiples of pi/4 45 degrees).
Braces in different thickness and size.
active elements electronic circuit symbols IEC 60607
This stencil includes the mainly used active electronic circuit symbols in IEC 60607 standard. The IEC is the International Electrotechnical Comission (IEC) and prepares standarts for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These Symbols are used in nearly all countries over the world. Also available: -passive...more
Arduino ICs
Arduino Integrated Circuits and Assorted Sensors.
Dynamic Symmetry
Primarily used by artists, designers and architects over many centuries, dynamic symmetry can provide a sense of harmony and balance to your creative compositions. Not just one stencil; there are six in all covering a range of proportions from the golden rectangle (phi) to the more familar root-2 rectangle utilised by the ISO...more
Math symbols
A few math symbols, readily available.