3 stencils shared
Database Logos
I frequently find I use logos when diagramming infrastructure and application architectures. These logos are a preliminary set of the ones I find I use most commonly for databases. Feel free to request or recommend additions.
Swim Lanes
This stencil provides basic structure for diagramming using swim lanes, and split swim lanes to show separation of processes of tasks.
Java App Server Logos
These logos/icons were made for use in diagraming enterprise java application environments with non-heterogenous architectures.
3 stencils favorited show all
Military Symbols I
This is the first of two stencils of military (NATO) symbols I made and use for my wargames maps and orders of battle. I created it entirely from scratch using vector graphics.
Military Symbols II
This is the second of two stencils of military (NATO) symbols I made and use for my wargames maps and orders of battle. I created it by scanning an existing chart and then converting it into vectors.
Lil Pages - 50 UI Layouts
Lil Pages opens up the flexibility and enjoyment of creating beautiful documents to help communicate user flows, storyboarding, site map flowcharts, fast wireframing or simply UI icons to use in your next project. Lil Pages have been created to be simple, elegant and work straight out of the box. However, the real power lies...more