2 stencils shared
The last update SysML stencil is available at https://stenciltown.omnigroup.com/stencils/sysml/
COB Modeling Language
SysML (visit SysML 1.2 at http://graffletopia.com/stencils/849) parametrics is based in part on a theory called composable objects (COBs). Composable objects have been developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) as a means for representing and integrating design models with diverse analysis models. Design and...more
1 stencil favorited show all
COB Modeling Language
SysML (visit SysML 1.2 at http://graffletopia.com/stencils/849) parametrics is based in part on a theory called composable objects (COBs). Composable objects have been developed at the Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) as a means for representing and integrating design models with diverse analysis models. Design and...more