2 stencils shared
Zone Mortalis Battlefield Complex
A simple stencil for creating board layouts using Forge World's Zone Mortalis Battlefield Network line of scenery for The Horus Heresy or Warhammer 40,000 games.
SCI-FI City tiles
A simple stencil for creating a sci-fi city layout using Gamecraft miniatures EPIC (6mm) engraved acrylic gaming tiles. Created with blessings from Gamecraft Miniatures.
6 stencils favorited show all
Lil Pages - 50 UI Layouts
Lil Pages opens up the flexibility and enjoyment of creating beautiful documents to help communicate user flows, storyboarding, site map flowcharts, fast wireframing or simply UI icons to use in your next project. Lil Pages have been created to be simple, elegant and work straight out of the box. However, the real power lies...more
Google Maps Assets
Just a quick and clean Google map asset stencil.
Mobile App Visual Flowchart
Make beautiful flowcharts for your mobile apps in minutes. Just drag and drop mini wireframes to create professional deliverables for your clients, developers or team members. This flowchart stencil comes packaged with 66 fully customizable mini wireframes to represent app functions, along with gesture icons and common...more
Webalys - Icons
• A pixel precise icon collection created for interface designers and web designers. • These icons are easy to adapt to your own needs. They can be used for website wireframes, online application design, software interface mockup... • They are based on a precise 16 pixels grid, which means that they stay clear and have crispy...more
famfamfam Icons
The icons from famfamfam.com as an omnigraffle stencil.
Font Awesome
Omnigraffle stencil of the popular vector font library, Font Awesome, tailored for use with Bootstrap. This was made with an earlier version of Font Awesome. If people are interested, then I can continue to update the stencil as Font Awesome updates.