1 stencil shared
Golden Ratio
A simple stencil with templates for ensuring your design/layout conforms to the Golden Ratio.
6 stencils favorited show all
UML 2.1 Collection
A collection of notation elements for creating UML 2 class, activity, use case, sequence, or component diagrams. It's a rather large stencil, but it contains most UML 2.1 elements. A tool converting Eclipse Java packages to UML class diagrams using this collection can be found on the linked website. Version history: 1.11 (Jun...more
Pattern Instance Notation (PIN)
Pattern Instance Notation is a software diagramming notation for working with design patterns, both on its own and as an adjunct to UML and other modeling visual languages. It is described in full in the article The Pattern Instance Notation: A Simple Hierarchical Visual Notation for the Dynamic Visualization and...more
Golden Ratio
A simple stencil with templates for ensuring your design/layout conforms to the Golden Ratio.
famfamfam Icons
The icons from famfamfam.com as an omnigraffle stencil.
Best Practice UX Forms Stencil v2.0
This is the third, even more comprehensive release of this stencil which follows best practice UX form design principles, providing three different ways of laying forms out, each with their own benefits. This version also provides various controls and fields including multiple CAPTCHA fields, social networking buttons and more.
Aquaticus Social Icons
These are very clean "Aqua" social icons. I created the stencil after using the icons for various prototyping projects. Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/phantomflyer