Newest stencils
Radially spaced magnets
Six pairs of custom circles with 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, or 16 evenly spaced magnets each, and with either the first magnet, or the first side of the magnet polygon, at the top. For numbers of magnets other than 2, 4 and 8, the OmniGraffle 5 Connections Inspector doesn't allow for radially even distribution of magnets. (The...more
Custom Circle of Arrows
Move and resize the rectangle, and run its action (with the Action Browse tool), to frame it with a circle of N arrows. Edit the parameters in the dialogue which appears, to choose the number, width, and direction of arrows, and the way in which the circle of arrows fits inside or outside the resized rectangle. Entering "?"...more
MikroTik RouterBoard 1200
MikroTik RouterBoard 1200
Entypo Pictograms
Entypo is a set of 100+ carefully crafted pictograms available as an OpenType font, vector EPS and web font. Created by Daniel Bruce, they are released for free under the Creative Commons license CC BY-SA. This stencil has been converted by d-SIRE ( based on the original EPS file.
Time Cycles
Circles of curved arrows for 8, 12 and 24 hours, and 7, 28 and 90 days.
Circles of 9-12 arrows
A companion to the Curved Block Arrow stencil, which provides circles of 1-8 curved block arrows, this continues the sequence with circles of 9-12 arrows. The circles can be rotated as a group, and ungrouped circles can be selected and rotated to create various stellar and other patterns. To reverse arrow direction, selected...more
Curved block arrows
8 circles made of sets of 1-8 curved block arrows. The circles can be rotated as a group, and ungrouped circles can be selected and rotated to create various stellar and other patterns. To reverse arrow direction, select a grouped circle, and flip horizontally or vertically using the geometry inspector. See also the companion...more
Markov chains
Simple self-looping arcs and two-way arcs with custom circles, to allow links and self-links with the correct angles and spacing. (16 radially spaced magnets per circle - two magnets at each of the four cardinal directions, and two at each of the multiples of pi/4 45 degrees).
A simple stencil with two cogs.