Stencils tagged with ‘whiteboard’

Software Architecture Whiteboarding

Software Architecture Whiteboarding

Many years ago, I decided to go 100% digital and eliminate all paper based notes, scribbles and whiteboards. OmniGraffle helped me a great deal achieve that goal. I created this stencil to help throw ideas on a 'digital' white board and conduct brainstorming sessions with remote team members via screen sharing. Hope you find...more

The Office

The Office

This office stencil helps you save time and energy planning your next office move or re-organization. Includes furniture, computers (Mac and Microsoft), equipment, tablets (Microsoft Surface, iPad Air, iPad mini), desks, plants, chairs, break room equipment, microwave, lamps, modem, router, monitors, printers, plotters (for...more

Whiteboard Icons for Distributed System Design

Whiteboard Icons for Distributed System Design

Whiteboard style icons that can be used to draw Distributed System design diagrams. T