Stencils tagged with ‘train’
The Logical Thinking Process
Symbols for making The Logical Thinking Process (TLTP) diagrams. With these symbols you can make Intermediate Objective Maps, Current Reality Trees, Evaporationg Clouds, Future Reality Trees and Prerequisite Trees. This is the symbol set used in the book The Logical Thinking Process by William Dettmer.
Theory of Constraints Thinking Processes
Provides a set of stencils that can be used to draw diagrams in the style of the Theory of Constraints Thinking Processes.
Use this stencil to construct train or other network maps. Also works for visualising work processes. The station labels are transparent lines attached to the stations, so can be rotated around the station to make room for lines. When connecting a line to a station, be sure it snaps to the magnet at the station’s centre. To...more