Stencils tagged with ‘service’
Service Design Blueprint
Template for service design blueprint. Help you create service blueprint for your project quickly.
ServiceNow UI Elements
Common UI elements for ServiceNow application design mockups.
Service Sketching (Process Modelling)
Process Modelling (or "Service Modelling") should be simple, but nothing steals the wind from the sails of a process improvement/enhancement/re-engineering excercise like arguing over which shape does what. This stencil eliminates a lot of the additional process modelling shapes and introduces a "hand drawn sketch" feel so...more
Software Architecture Whiteboarding
Many years ago, I decided to go 100% digital and eliminate all paper based notes, scribbles and whiteboards. OmniGraffle helped me a great deal achieve that goal. I created this stencil to help throw ideas on a 'digital' white board and conduct brainstorming sessions with remote team members via screen sharing. Hope you find...more
Swim Lanes
This stencil provides basic structure for diagramming using swim lanes, and split swim lanes to show separation of processes of tasks.
This is Service Design Thinking Icon Set
"This is Service Design Thinking" is a book on service design that offers up a visual language/icon set with a CC license. The only problem is that they only offer AI vector files or flat pdfs. That problem is solved here!