Stencils tagged with āgā
Flex 3 Stencil
Includes all Flex components from Flex 3 Style Guide: panels, data grid, buttons, fields, links, toggle, menu, scrolls, accordion, tabs, list, data picker, tool tip, errors.
Flip-flop Gates
Flip-flop boolean gates. Includes RS, D, T and JK latches.
Floorplans: Plumbing Fixtures
A handy collection of plumbing fixtures for laying out basic floorplans.
Floors and Walls
A collection of floor and wall textures, all seamless tiling and rendered using FilterForge.
FMC Block Diagram
finnlabs developed another set of FMC Block Diagram stencils as the Fundamental Modeling Concepts (FMC) constitutes a solid base for every day communication, no matter whether within the engineering team or with clients or partners.
Font Awesome
Omnigraffle stencil of the popular vector font library, Font Awesome, tailored for use with Bootstrap. This was made with an earlier version of Font Awesome. If people are interested, then I can continue to update the stencil as Font Awesome updates.
Form Elements
Form elements stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.
Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD)
Contains all the major components for a Functional Flow Block Diagram (FFBD), which are used in developing the functional architecture of a system and describing the system's functional flow.
Gallery (Magnolia CMS)
Gallery Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.