Stencils tagged with ā€˜gā€™

DSRP Diagrams (Metamaps or "Metacognitive Maps")

DSRP Diagrams (Metamaps or "Metacognitive Maps")

MetaMaps or DSRP Diagrams were developed at Cornell University by Dr. Derek Cabrera. They are "Metacognitive Maps" that show both the information and the structure of an idea or knowledge. They are based on four universal patterns of cognition ("DSRP"). MetaMaps are used by preschoolers and PhDs, CEOs and consultants. It is...more

DTM-Electronic Music Studio Gear

DTM-Electronic Music Studio Gear

Basic digital home music studio gear, including a synthesizer, portable sequencer, mixer/recorder, laptop computer and USB-MIDI interface. Drawn in basic grayscale for easy repurposing and recoloring.

Dutch TV channel logos

Dutch TV channel logos

A collection of about twenty Dutch television channel logos.

Dynamic Symmetry

Dynamic Symmetry

Primarily used by artists, designers and architects over many centuries, dynamic symmetry can provide a sense of harmony and balance to your creative compositions. Not just one stencil; there are six in all covering a range of proportions from the golden rectangle (phi) to the more familar root-2 rectangle utilised by the ISO...more

EarSketch UGens

EarSketch UGens

Stencil containing all the UGens used in the computational music remixing tool EarSketch available at

Eclair UI

Eclair UI

Eclair UI stencil from the Google Android 2.1 / 2.2 Wireframes bundle.

eEPK (EPC) Blue gradient

eEPK (EPC) Blue gradient

eEPK like the others but with blue functions to change a little bit

eEPK / EPC Diagram Stencils

eEPK / EPC Diagram Stencils

Stencils to create eEPK diagrams. eEPK are used to do process modeling. For details about eEPK see wikipedia * (English) or * (German)

eEPK (EPC) Glossy Stencil

eEPK (EPC) Glossy Stencil

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