Stencils tagged with ‘face’
Facebook Comments
Facebook comments and Facebook add a comment widget for websites.
Facebook Stencil
Facebook user interface components from the Facebook Stencil Kit.
Facebook Timeline v1.0
A series of stencils for Facebook Timeline Pages, and Timeline Tab Applications.
Facebook Widgets/Elements v.1.0
A small collection of Facebook page-level components and widgets.
Facebook Wireframe Stencil
Facebook wireframe components from the Facebook Stencil Kit.
A stencil of faces
Faces 2
A stencil with more faces and people.
Feed icons
Here's a set of standard feed icons for RSS and Atom feeds. Icons come in 10x10, 12x12, 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 sizes, and work well on light or dark backgrounds. For more sizes and info, check out the Feed Icons website.
Finger gestures for mobiles V1.0
Pointers and finger gestures for designing mobile experiences. You can use this stencil for designing UX (user experience), UI (user interaction), or interface design for mobiles.