Stencils tagged with ‘design’
Goals Model
The goals model aims at the description of the goals, problems, risks, and chances of an organisation. The enterprise strategy and the strategy papers for the different parts of the organisation are main sources for this. This notation is developed in For Enterprise Modelling (4EM) method. Please refer to the website for more...more
Golden Ratio
A simple stencil with templates for ensuring your design/layout conforms to the Golden Ratio.
Grids stencil from the Design Stencil kit in the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library.
The IDEF0 Functional Modeling method is designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system. This is a stencil to help you out IDEF0 modeling in OmniGraffle. Please send emails with your suggestions. Enjoy it!
Interaction Workflow
A subset of the flow diagram blocks specifically of use to Interaction Designers who are defining the workflow through their designs. I generally use these diagrams as clickable TOC in my UI design documents.
iOS UI General
iOS UI General stencil from the iPad and iPhone Design bundle.
iOS UI iPad
iOS UI iPad stencil from the iPad and iPhone Design bundle.
iOS UI iPhone
iOS UI iPhone stencil from the iPad and iPhone Design bundle.
iOS Wireframe iPad
iOS Wireframe iPad stencil from the iPad and iPhone Design bundle.