Stencils tagged with ‘browser’

1200px Grid

1200px Grid

Hey Grafflers: Here's a 12-column, 1200px grid. It's got 80px columns with 10px gutters, and is baked into a layered and editable 1440px Chrome-inspired desktop browser. Double-whammy.

elwebUI Web wireframe kit

elwebUI Web wireframe kit

This is the stencil I created over the past three years of making wireframes every day. They save me a bunch on time and I thought the best thing was to share it. All elements are made with vectors inside of OmniGraffle. PDF exports are very small (file size) and resolution independent. You can zoom in as much as you want...more

Empty Chrome Browser Window v1

Empty Chrome Browser Window v1

Empty Chrome browser window - mac 1680x1050 resolution