Stencils tagged with ‘app’

Citrix Infrastructure 7.13

Citrix Infrastructure 7.13

This Stencil is the updated stencil for all Citrix components for the 7.13 release of software.

Clean Machines

Clean Machines

Since I get a lot of feedback about how slow some stencils seem to function, and we're all too aware of performance on the very pretty yet complicated Network stencil, I've taken it upon myself to create some very spartan, almost abstract stencils of Apple machines, from the Second Era of Jobs. They are all to scale with each...more

Clear / iPhone

Clear / iPhone

This iPhone stencil includes various iOS user interface elements -- but every element is transparent so it can be used on any colored background to make attractive mockups for your iOS apps. Oh, did I mention that it's iOS7.



Common cursors with transparent backgrounds. Idea for mocking up web or desktop applications. Includes pointer, hand, drag, resize, wait and many others shown.

Eclipse Stencil

Eclipse Stencil

For prototyping Eclipse dialogs and controls

Emotional Peeps

Emotional Peeps

An upgraded version of stick-people to represent emotions. I created them to represent actors in Use-Case diagrams and jazz up my process diagrams to bring boring boxes to life. I am hoping to add more to this stencil as I need more emotions or acting actors. Please feel free to give me feedback or requests in the comments.

Endian Hotspot

Endian Hotspot

Endian Hotspot Hardware Solutions The Endian Hotspot series is conceived to provide easy, fast and stable Internet access. The hardware models come in different sizes to support between 50 and 1500 users and fit the need for secure connectivity and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) management of small and large enterprises,...more

Endian UTM Appliance

Endian UTM Appliance

The Endian Firewall product family of unified threat management (UTM) appliances features easy-to-use "all in one" security to deliver maximum protection against Internet threats.

Endian UTM - Network Security | Endian 4i - Industrial IoT Security

Endian UTM - Network Security | Endian 4i - Industrial IoT Security

The scope of network security is constantly shifting. M2M Communication, modern forms of mobile working, and new always ON social life demand new ways of protection. Endian stays ahead of the curve and offers best in class security solutions for industrial endpoint protection, remote services and WiFi management.