Stencils matching ‘stencil’
Apple WWDC'16 Code Style
Set of program code colours used by Apple at their conference. It is perfect for posting beautiful code fragments on the web or in a presentation. The text in this stencil looks best with the Myriad Set Pro font. Default with Helvetica.
Applications - Apple Icons 2015
Part of the Apple Icons 2015 collection: Applications, Devices, Disks, Documents, Folders & Miscellaneous. All high quality icons from OS X 10.9 and 10.10, laid out in this stencil. This is an updated copy of the original set I prepared in 2010 which was downloaded over 56,000 times! All stencils have offset labels...more
Aqua GUI
A series of elements inspired by the GUI Design Palette 1.2 and the Mac OS X interface stencils, based upon Aqua, and mainly aimed at making simple windows designs.
Aquaticus Social Icons
These are very clean "Aqua" social icons. I created the stencil after using the icons for various prototyping projects. Follow me on Twitter
ArchiMate 2.0: Behaviour
Stencil for the ArchiMate modelling language from The Open Group. This is one of the four stencils comprising the core models for ArchiMate 2.0. This stencil specifically contains the behavioural concepts. For more information on ArchiMate, see the website of The Open Group.
ArchiMate 2.0 GW-Style
There are some changes with respect to the original stencils on Graffletopia: They use my 9-color scheme (see the Mastering ArchiMate book, Section 6.4, for why I use this scheme) They are divided in Business / Application / Infrastructure / Relations (instead of Structure, Behavior, Information, Relations). I find that...more
ArchiMate 2.0: Information
Stencil for the ArchiMate modelling language from The Open Group. This is one of the four stencils comprising the core models for ArchiMate 2.0. This stencil specifically contains the information concepts. For more information on ArchiMate, see the website of The Open Group.
ArchiMate 2.0: Relations
Stencil for the ArchiMate modelling language from The Open Group. This is one of the four stencils comprising the core models for ArchiMate 2.0. This stencil specifically contains the relations. For more information on ArchiMate, see the website of The Open Group.
ArchiMate 2.0: Structure
Stencil for the ArchiMate modelling language from The Open Group. This is one of the four stencils comprising the core models for ArchiMate 2.0. This stencil specifically contains the behavioural concepts. For more information on ArchiMate, see the website of The Open Group.