Stencils matching ‘stencil’
Experience canvas
Inspired after the Business Model Canvas, Atlassian adapted its format and created their version of Experience Canvas. I found Experience Canvas extremely useful and created a stencil to share with people who might find this...more
Extjs GUI Layout and Widgets
This is the updated version of our popular Ext JS Omnigraffle stencil which is available for download on our website and on This update contains many improvements and additions, namely that we were able to recreate most Ext JS elements as graffletopia shapes or groups. This is especially helpful for resizing...more
Extjs / Sencha
This is a stencil for extjs UI. This stencil approximates the look enough but doesn't attempt to make it 100% the same. This allows for much easier sizing of elements. feedback is welcome (alokjain1 at
Eye Catching Wireframe Kit
If you're looking to create wireframes that sell, this is the stencil for you. It consists of all the basic elements you need to wireframe websites/web apps and create simple site maps and flowcharts. While it looks great, it allows for great interaction designs that won't be confused with the final visual design of your...more
This stencil contain 4 type of eyes in 6 colours. I also added moustaches. If you want more, simply ask for it. i'll try to do my best.
Façade Wireframe Stencil
This stencil features easy drag-and-drop elements for creating awesome mockups, wireframes, and high-fidelity prototypes in minutes. The stencil kit is divided up into nine sections: Miscellaneous, Text, Colors, Buttons, Forms, Alerts, Placeholders, Modals, and Tables. Luyfel has been using OmniGraffle for over 5 years to...more
Facebook Stencil
Facebook user interface components from the Facebook Stencil Kit.
Facebook Stencils Kit
Create mockups, wireframes, and high fidelity prototypes for Facebook apps in minutes, using hundreds of vector user interface components and royalty-free icons. This stencil kit includes three Facebook stencils -- Facebook Stencil, Facebook Wireframe Stencil, and Facebook Icons Stencil.
Facebook Timeline v1.0
A series of stencils for Facebook Timeline Pages, and Timeline Tab Applications.