Popular stencils
This is a nifty little stencil for doing ERM (Entity Relationship Models) and EPC (Event Driven Process Chains). Although the labels are in German, the symbols still speak for themselves.
PHEV - Pluggable Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Made as part of G.hn technology presentation. While not really a stencil per se, I thought it illustrated use of bezier curves and having semitransparent objects overlaid on others. Feel free to add/modify and update this thing. EVSE = Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment
19" Rack Panels
Here are some 19" rack panels symbols. They are in quarter scale.
Teaser Latest (Magnolia CMS)
Teaser Latest Paragraphs stencil from the Magnolia CMS Standard Templating Kit (STK) Stencil kit.
Statechart stencil from Other Inbox's statechart template
QLogic Switches
Stencils for QLogic Fibre Switches
Conversational Architecture
A stencil for the Conversational Architecture design language, used to specify multi-channel, multi-modal and multi-directional web and mobile applications.
Google Glass
Stencil to get started with Google Glass. Other resources: * http://glasssim.com/ * https://developers.google.com/glass/design/index * https://developers.google.com/glass/tools-downloads/playground * Tech Specs https://support.google.com/glass/answer/3064128?hl=en * How Glass works:...more
Lego People extended
Extension of the Lego stencil by olde_fortran. All elements are taken from the Peeron.com website.