Popular stencils
Mac OS X Wireframe Stencil
Mac OS X wireframe components from the Mac OS X Stencil Kit.
This stencil can be used to create a timeline sheet.
jo JavaScript Framework for HTML5
Jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo is designed to create applications. This stencil presents standard jo UI elements
Web Typography Guides
A short collection of typographic guides to help you on any web based project.
Official iconsets for creating diagrams that include Ubiquiti products.
File Icons
Vector icons for common file extensions: - Text Files - Data Files - Audio Files - Video Files - Image Files - Compressed Files - Other Files Each group has an additional generic icon to be used and/or customized in case of extensions not included within the stencil. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons...more
Facebook Timeline v1.0
A series of stencils for Facebook Timeline Pages, and Timeline Tab Applications.
Floorplans: Electrical Symbols
This stencil contains architectural symbols used when planning electrical or data needs. If you are building or remodeling a home, use this to create an electrical plan to give to your electrician.
iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
Chrome for the new iPhone 6 (4.7 " screen) and iPhone 6 Plus (5.5" Screen)