Popular stencils

Mac OS X Wireframe Stencil

Mac OS X Wireframe Stencil

Mac OS X wireframe components from the Mac OS X Stencil Kit.



This stencil can be used to create a timeline sheet.

jo JavaScript Framework for HTML5

jo JavaScript Framework for HTML5

Jo is a lightweight JavaScript framework designed for HTML5 apps. jo is designed to create applications. This stencil presents standard jo UI elements

Web Typography Guides

Web Typography Guides

A short collection of typographic guides to help you on any web based project.



Official iconsets for creating diagrams that include Ubiquiti products.

File Icons

File Icons

Vector icons for common file extensions: - Text Files - Data Files - Audio Files - Video Files - Image Files - Compressed Files - Other Files Each group has an additional generic icon to be used and/or customized in case of extensions not included within the stencil. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons...more

Facebook Timeline v1.0

Facebook Timeline v1.0

A series of stencils for Facebook Timeline Pages, and Timeline Tab Applications.

Floorplans: Electrical Symbols

Floorplans: Electrical Symbols

This stencil contains architectural symbols used when planning electrical or data needs. If you are building or remodeling a home, use this to create an electrical plan to give to your electrician.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

Chrome for the new iPhone 6 (4.7 " screen) and iPhone 6 Plus (5.5" Screen)