Miscellaneous stencils
Papier à musique TAB libre
Portée + tablature
Papier à musique Portée + tablature
G.hn Icons III
Some of the Consumer Electronics icons mixed with icons I put together for use in G.hn home networking illustrations. Includes now POF and additional PLC modem icon 05 2014: Updated with several icons for G.hn applications. Most of these are hand drawn. They can be modified, expanded, and used without the icon background.
notes manche de guitare
emplacement des notes sur le manche de la guitare et emplacement des notes sur la portée
Movember - Mustache Themed Stencil
In honor of Movember, I've created this tasty, mustache infused OmniGraffle stencil. Enjoy!
OS Logos II
extension of OS Logos by cjr http://graffletopia.com/stencils/209, with many linux distributions represented. I think every stencil is in vector format. Let me know if you need a missing logo. Includes: Sun, HP, IBM, VMWare, Apple, Oracle, OS X , Windows, Linux, Xen, Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, SUSE,...more
Timeline - Year and Basic 100 increment
Scaled elements for 1 year with month and day markers and with out. To scale of .1 cm per day. Also added 2 basic elements that can be useful for starting other general time lines. This was the result of searching around and the only useful thing I found was the script at...more
Root Cause Analysis
My personal stencil for Root Cause Analysis. Colors express fact severity, while border thickness shows our perception of our ability to influence the facts.
eEPK (EPC) Blue gradient
eEPK like the others but with blue functions to change a little bit