Stencils matching ‘drupal’
Components (Drupal 7 CMS)
Included in this stencil you'll find some of the default components for the Drupal 7 CMS. It features core components, such as the admin menu, tabs, messages, blocks, forms, menus, nodes, comments,...
E-commerce (Drupal 7 CMS)
Included in this stencil you'll find the default components for the Drupal 7 E-commerce module. It features core components found in the E-commerce module, such as the shopping cart block, product overview, product details, shopping cart overview, checkout, review order and success page.
Search (Drupal 7 CMS)
Included in this stencil you'll find some of the search components for the Drupal 7 CMS. It features core components, such as the default search, advanced search, results, pager, Lucene Solr search, sorting, filter,...