Newest stencils

Video Players - iPhone & iPad

Video Players - iPhone & iPad

Re-creating video players over and over is annoying. Here's a few standard ones and one alt version sized for retina iPhone & iPad. YouTube Vevo Native iOS 7 Alt

Boyd Hobbs' Grip

Boyd Hobbs' Grip

Diffusion, Cucoloris, Bounce, CTO, CTB, Silk, Solid, Meat Ax, Lighting, Film and TV

Boyd Hobbs' Kinoflos: Lighting

Boyd Hobbs' Kinoflos: Lighting

Kino Flos!! Lighting, Film and Television

User Experience Professional

User Experience Professional

The user experience professional stencil kit allows you to design provably better web forms. The layouts included are based on eye tracking research undertaken by UX researcher Matteo Penzo (which itself used form layouts by Luke Wroblewski, a well-known UX designer). All of the core components you need to design forms...more

Boyd Hobbs' Misc & Practical Lights

Boyd Hobbs' Misc & Practical Lights

China Ball Lantern, Space Lights, Xenon, Airstar Balloon Lights, Bare Bulb, Lantern, Work Light, Flo Work Light, Lamp, Desk Lamp, Exit Sign, Emergency Light

Website Flowcharts

Website Flowcharts

Make beautiful flowcharts for your websites and web apps in minutes. Just drag and drop mini wireframes to create professional deliverables for your clients, developers, or team members. This flowchart stencil comes packaged with 63 mini wireframes to represent common page layouts, built on a 4-column grid with elements...more

Camera, Dolly And Actor Marks

Camera, Dolly And Actor Marks

Dolly, Dolly Track, Compass, Multiple Cameras and Multiple Actors, Lighting, Film and TV

Boyd Hobbs' Tungsten

Boyd Hobbs' Tungsten

Tungsten Lights (Pars, Open Face and Soft Lights and Fresnels)



This stencil can be used to illustrate "conceptual flow diagrams" as shown in the O'Reilly book "Enterprise Data Workflows with Cascading" by Paco Nathan.