Newest stencils
Solar Panels
Different Generic Solar Panels and form factors Generic MPPT Regulator
Infocus Projectors
A range of iFocus Projectors
USITT sound graphic standards
A small (hopefully growing) collection of the USITT's graphic symbols for sound design drafting.
Flat LAN
Some Flat Designed LAN SYMBOLS
Responsive Website Wireframe Kit
Rapid Wireframing for Desktop, Tablet and Phones. Our massive wireframe library has 30 pages of content blocks, website elements, icons, wireframe examples and templates. Every single component comes in three sizes to quickly create wireframes showing desktop, tablet and phone layouts. The templates can also be used to...more
UX Kits
Optimize your workflow and create beautiful UX documents with the UX Kits bundle, a huge library that contains hundreds of components for creating flowcharts and wireframes for desktop and mobile. The bundle includes our Responsive Website Wireframe Kit, plus three more UX Kits stencils: Website Flowcharts, Mobile App Visual...more
Yaesu radios
Various Yaesu radios and a few connectors.
Emotional Peeps
An upgraded version of stick-people to represent emotions. I created them to represent actors in Use-Case diagrams and jazz up my process diagrams to bring boring boxes to life. I am hoping to add more to this stencil as I need more emotions or acting actors. Please feel free to give me feedback or requests in the comments.
Service Sketching (Process Modelling)
Process Modelling (or "Service Modelling") should be simple, but nothing steals the wind from the sails of a process improvement/enhancement/re-engineering excercise like arguing over which shape does what. This stencil eliminates a lot of the additional process modelling shapes and introduces a "hand drawn sketch" feel so...more