Newest stencils

Cash Flow

Cash Flow

This whimsical stencil helps you track the flow of your riches — from cash register to gold ingots. A little short this month? That's okay, we've even included a piggy bank for emergency breaking purposes.

Canadian Map

Canadian Map

This stencil has been created at the same scale as our "States of the USA" stencil, using Natural Resources Canada data.

Camera Staging

Camera Staging

A handy stencil for staging camera movement and more; aspiring directors can set their cameras and actors, pan and dolly movements, show bounce cards and then have someone call lunch.

Boolean Gates Plus

Boolean Gates Plus

This is an expanded and enhanced boolean gates stencil offering more inputs, outputs and a greater variety of NAND and NOR gates. Spiffy!

Block Diagram Shapes

Block Diagram Shapes

Block diagrams are simpler process diagrams that are used to depict online processes. One diagram represents one process, for instance, registration. Block diagrams can be used to very quickly define how a certain task or process is completed online. The diagram depicts each step in the process with all the pages and...more

Bathroom Objects

Bathroom Objects

There are so many ways to describe this stencil using, how shall we say, "Bathroom Humor"; however in the interest of being truthful, suffice it to say that this stencil covers all of your plumbing needs. Well, in the bathroom at least.

Apple Machines

Apple Machines

A great stencil with Macintosh and PowerBook centric images.

AIGA Symbol Signs

AIGA Symbol Signs

Used at airports and transportation hubs, the AIGA symbol signs are a joint effort between AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Especially nifty for making maps of floor layouts for public display.

Problem Frames Components

Problem Frames Components

Stencil with components for diagramming problem frames.