Stencils tagged with ā€˜gā€™

Google Android

Google Android

Stencil set for Google Android prototyping. This is the first version, more will be added later.

Google Android 1.6 Wireframe stencil for Omnigraffle

Google Android 1.6 Wireframe stencil for Omnigraffle

Download our very own wireframe stencil add-on for OmniGraffle 5.x. Use this tool kit to wireframe Android based Apps and sites on the 1.6 Donut SDK. I have grouped page elements together as screens and designed them to be flexible. When we design Mobile UX we focus on using standard controls and showing customers the real UI...more

Google Compute Platform

Google Compute Platform

This stencil contains icons for Google Compute created from:

Google Elements

Google Elements

This stencil has 3 sections that will be of use to Google Search Appliance (GSA) and Google Apps architects: 1) A basic set of GSA oriented icons for documenting GSA architectures (Note, I mostly work on white backgrounds, so I never took the time to make all the backgrounds transparent.) 2) A large set of Google Apps...more

Google Glass

Google Glass

Stencil to get started with Google Glass. Other resources: * * * * Tech Specs * How Glass works:...more

Google Glass Cards

Google Glass Cards

A collection of Google Glass cards and design elements to aid the design process.

Google Maps Assets

Google Maps Assets

Just a quick and clean Google map asset stencil.

Google Web GUI

Google Web GUI

Contains all the elements of new Google Web Applications GUI.

Gorgeous Charts and Graphs

Gorgeous Charts and Graphs

A full set of charts and graphics for data visualization in a bold, beautiful, and gorgeous color palette. Included are bar charts, stacked bar charts, line charts, calendar views, bullet charts, pie charts, sparklines, bubble graphs, difference charts, area charts, gauges, a sankey diagram, funnel graph, scatter plot, stream...more