User Interface stencils

Block Diagram Shapes

Block Diagram Shapes

Block diagrams are simpler process diagrams that are used to depict online processes. One diagram represents one process, for instance, registration. Block diagrams can be used to very quickly define how a certain task or process is completed online. The diagram depicts each step in the process with all the pages and...more

Mac OS X Interface

Mac OS X Interface

Much interface design at Omni has started with a quick mockup in OmniGraffle. Here's the stencil I've been building, adding elements as I need them. Most designs start with an existing screenshot, with swatches of controlColor over things we need to get rid of, and layers of new controls on top of that. Clearly there are lots...more

UX Activities and Documents

UX Activities and Documents

A stencil of UX activities and documents to illustrate the work that designers and researchers do. [originally created by Todd Zazelenchuk (Plantronics) and Elizabeth Boling (Indiana Univ)]



Additional UML diagram tools, esp. for Use Case and Activity diagrams. There is also a Domain object for class domain or namespace groupings in Class and Collaboration diagrams.