Stencils tagged with ‘pi’
portée libre
papier à musique, portée libre
Portée + tablature
Papier à musique Portée + tablature
puzzle pieces
Various puzzle pieces.
Raspberry Pi
This is a rough drawing of a Rasberry Pi. The board size and pin numbers on the header's are accurate, but the rest of the on board component size and spacing is a rough approximation based on photos. The non-labeled stencil is actual size, the labeled stencil is scaled up.
In SAP PI, modelling the integration scenario facilitates its later implementation & configuration a great deal. Since the Java-based Modelling Tool of the SAP Integration Builder is awkward to use, here's an easier to use equivalent stencil for Omnigraffle. 2012-01-09 v. 1.1 - minor corrections of "connectable" options...more
SCI-FI City tiles
A simple stencil for creating a sci-fi city layout using Gamecraft miniatures EPIC (6mm) engraved acrylic gaming tiles. Created with blessings from Gamecraft Miniatures.
Swagger is a contract specification for Web APIs that provides a nice way to document them. This Stencil reproduces the compact Swagger style.
Papier à musique TAB libre
Traditional Flow Chart Symbols
Clean and easy to use, this flowchart stencil was compiled with university students in mind, but also suitable for professionals seeking for no frill flowcharting with all symbols in one stencil. Having had a strict assignment marker myself, I've only included traditional symbols and uniformly sat magnet connector to NSEW....more